• The White Cargo Cocktail

    No ice is necessary; just shake until thoroughly mixed, and add water or white wine if the concoction is too thick.

  • White Baby Cocktail

    Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. Some people substitute ink for the Gin and liquid blackening for the Cointreau and call it a Black Baby. But this is not advised.

  • West Indian Cocktail

    Stir and serve in same glass.

  • Westbrook Cocktail

    (6 people) Before shaking, add a little castor sugar.

  • Welcome Stranger Cocktail

    Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.

  • Virgin Special Cocktail

    (6 people) Take a glassful of red-currant juice, and a half glass of gooseberry syrup. In another vessel bruise a handful of fresh raspberries, upon which pour successively a glass of Brandy, 2 glasses of Gin, then the currant juice and gooseberry syrup, and let stand for half an hour. Then add a glass of…

  • Transvaal Cocktail

    Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.

  • Torpedo Cocktail

    Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.

  • Thunderclap Cocktail

    (6 people) Thoroughly shake up 2 Glasses of Brandy, 2 of Gin, and 2 of Whisky—Serve!* *To the six people Then run for your life.

  • Swizzles Cocktail

    Stir well with swizzle stick until it foams.