• Brooklyn Cocktail

    Shake well and strain into glass.

  • Brandy Crusta Cocktail

    Use small wine glass. Moisten the edge with lemon and dip edge into castor sugar which frosts the glass. Cut the rind of half a lemon spiral fashion; place in glass. Fill glass with cracked ice. Stir well and strain into prepared glass, adding slice of orange.

  • Blue Devil Cocktail

    Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.

  • Aviation Cocktail

    Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.

  • Angel’s Wings Cocktail

    Use liqueur glass and pour ingredients carefully so that they do not mix. If the girl does not like it, do not drink it, but pour it quickly into the nearest flower vase.

  • Allen (Special) Cocktail

    Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.

  • Albertine Cocktail

    (6 people) Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.