Roman Punch
Use punch bowl. Dissolve Sugar in lemon and orange juice, add the rind of one orange, add the well beaten whites of eggs. Surround the bowl with cracked ice and stir the ingredients well together. →
Milk Punch (No. 1)
Put all the materials in a clean demijohn, the boiling water to be added last; cork this down to prevent evaporation, and allow the ingredients to steep for at least six hours; then add the hot milk and the juice of two more lemons; mix and filter through a jelly-bag; and when the punch as… →
Glasgow Punch
From a recipe in the possession of Dr. Shelton Mackenzie. Melt lump sugar in cold water, with the juice of a couple of lemons, passed through a fine hair-strainer. This is the sherbet, and must be well mingled. Then add old Jamaica Rum—one part of Rum to five of sherbet. Cut a couple of limes… →
Fish House Punch
Use large punch bowl with block of ice. Read Harry Braddock’s notes on Punch. →
Claret Punch
Mix well in punch bowl. Surround bowl with cracked ice. Add slices of fruits in season. Read Harry Braddock’s notes on Punch. →
Brandy Punch
Place large block of ice in a punch bowl, add the above ingredients and from one to two quarts of sparkling water. Read Harry Braddock’s notes on Punch. →
Santa Cruz Fix
The Santa Cruz Fix is made by substituting Santa Cruz Rum for Brandy in the Brandy Fix. In making fixes be careful to put the lemon skin in the glass. →
Brandy Fix
Pour into a small tumbler 1 teaspoonful of sugar, 1 teaspoonful of Water to dissolve the sugar, Juice of 1/2 Lemon, 1/2 Liqueur Glass of Cherry Brandy, 1 Liqueur Glass of Brandy. Fill the glass with fine ice and stir slowly, then add a slice of lemon, and serve with a straw. In making fixes… →
Whisky Daisy
Use small bar glass. Fill glass 1/3 full of shaved ice. Shake thoroughly, strain into a large cocktail glass, and fill up with Apollinaris or Seltzer Water. →