• Roman Punch

    Use punch bowl. Dissolve Sugar in lemon and orange juice, add the rind of one orange, add the well beaten whites of eggs. Surround the bowl with cracked ice and stir the ingredients well together.

  • Ruby Fizz

    Shake well, strain into medium size glass and fill with syphon soda water.

  • New Orleans Gin Fizz

    Shake well, strain into long tumbler and fill with syphon soda water.

  • Morning Glory Fizz

    Shake well, strain into long tumbler and fill with syphon soda water.

  • Holland Fizz

    Shake well, strain into medium size glass and fill with syphon soda water. Add 3 sprigs of fresh Mint.

  • Apple Blow Fizz

    Shake well, strain into medium size glass and fill with soda water.

  • Ale Flip

    Put on the fire in a saucepan one quart of Ale, and let it boil; have ready the whites of two eggs and the yolks of four, well beaten up separately; add them by degrees to four tablespoonsful of moist sugar, and half a nutmeg grated. When all are well mixed, pour on the boiling…

  • Silver Fizz

    Shake well , strain into medium size glass and fill with syphon soda water.

  • White Rose Cocktail

    Shake well and strain into medium size glass.

  • Waterbury* Cocktail

    Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. *Yes sir! A stem-winder.