• Chicago Cocktail

    Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. Frost edge of glass with castor sugar and fill with Champagne.

  • Cherry Blossom Cocktail

    (6 people) Th a glass half full of cracked ice add a tablespoonful of dry Curacao, one of Lemon Juice, one of Grenadine, 2-1/2 glasses of Cherry Brandy and 2 of Brandy. Shake thoroughly and serve very cold.

  • Charles Cocktail

    Stir well and strain into cocktail glass. This is the only known authentic Jacobite Cocktail.

  • Cecil Pick-Me-Up Cocktail

    Shake well and strain into medium-size wine glass and fill balance with Ayala Champagne.

  • Carrol Cocktail

    Stir well and strain into cocktail glass. Add pickled walnut or onion.

  • Brandy Vermouth Cocktail

    Stir well and strain into cocktail glass.

  • Brandy Special Cocktail

    Squeeze lemon peel; fill one-third full of ice, and stir with a spoon.

  • Brandy Gump Cocktail

    Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.

  • Brandy Crusta Cocktail

    Use small wine glass. Moisten the edge with lemon and dip edge into castor sugar which frosts the glass. Cut the rind of half a lemon spiral fashion; place in glass. Fill glass with cracked ice. Stir well and strain into prepared glass, adding slice of orange.

  • Brandy Blazer Cocktail

    Use small thick glass. Light with match, stir with long spoon for a few seconds and strain into cocktail glass. This can be drunk whilst still alight if so desired.