• Glasgow Punch

    From a recipe in the possession of Dr. Shelton Mackenzie. Melt lump sugar in cold water, with the juice of a couple of lemons, passed through a fine hair-strainer. This is the sherbet, and must be well mingled. Then add old Jamaica Rum—one part of Rum to five of sherbet. Cut a couple of limes…

  • Bacardi Cocktail

    Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. Found in the “Additional Cocktails” section starting on page 282.

  • Savoy Hotel Rickey

    Use medium size glass Fill with Carbonated Water and leave Rind of Lime or Lemon in glass.

  • Rickeys

    Most Rickeys are made with the following recipe: Fill with Carbonated Water and leave rind of Lime or Lemon in glass.

  • Manhattan Cooler

    Stir well and strain into medium size glass. Decorate with fruit in season.

  • Harvard Cooler

    Shake well, strain into long tumbler and fill with soda water.

  • Apricot Cooler

    Shake well, strain into long tumbler and fill with soda water.

  • Peach Blow Fizz

    Shake well, strain into medium size glass and fill with syphon soda water.

  • Orange Fizz

    Shake well, strain into medium size glass and fill with syphon soda.

  • Morning Glory Fizz

    Shake well, strain into long tumbler and fill with syphon soda water.