Santa Cruz Rum Daisy
Use small bar glass. Fill glass 1/3 full of shaved ice. Shake thoroughly, strain into a large cocktail glass, and fill up with Seltzer or Apollinaris Water. →
Lulu’s Favorite
Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. Found in the “Additional Cocktails” section starting on page 282. →
Devonshire Pride
Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. Found in the “Additional Cocktails” section starting on page 282. →
Bacardi Cocktail
Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. Found in the “Additional Cocktails” section starting on page 282. →
Savoy Hotel Rickey
Use medium size glass Fill with Carbonated Water and leave Rind of Lime or Lemon in glass. →
Shady Grove Cooler
Use long tumbler, and fill with Ginger Beer. →
Sea Breeze Cooler
Use long tumbler and fill with soda Water. 2 sprigs of fresh mint on top. →
Moonlight Cooler
Shake well and strain into long tumbler. Fill with soda water and decorate with slices of fruit in season. →
Manhattan Cooler
Stir well and strain into medium size glass. Decorate with fruit in season. →