Yodel Cocktail
Use medium size glass, and fill with soda water. →
Stomach Reviver Cocktail
Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. →
Napoleon Cocktail
Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. Squeeze lemon peel on top. →
King Cole Cocktail
Stir well and decorate with slices of orange and pineapple. →
I. B. F. Pick-Me-Up Cocktail
In a wineglass place one lump of Ice, 3 dashes of Fernet Branca, 3 dashes of Curacao, one liqueur glass of Brandy, fill remainder with Champagne. Stir and squeeze lemon peel on top. →
Hanky Panky Cocktail
Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. Squeeze orange peel on top. →
Fernet Branca Cocktail
Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. One of the best “morning-after” cocktails ever invented. Fernet-Branca, an Italian vegetable extract, is a marvellous headache cure. (No advt.) →