• Champagne Julep

    Use long tumbler. Fill glass with Champagne. Stir gently and decorate with slices of fruit in season.

  • Mint Juleps

    The Julep is a delightful potion that originally came out of the Southern States of America, and many great men have sung its praises through the years. It was the famous Capt. Marryatt, skipper and novelist, who introduced the beverage into the British Isles, and below we quote is recipe in his own words:— “I…

  • Santa Cruz Fix

    The Santa Cruz Fix is made by substituting Santa Cruz Rum for Brandy in the Brandy Fix. In making fixes be careful to put the lemon skin in the glass.

  • Gin Fix

    Use small bar glass. Fill 2/3 full of shaved ice. Stir with a spoon, and ornament the top with fruits in season. In making fixes be careful to put the lemon skin in the glass.

  • Brandy Fix

    Pour into a small tumbler 1 teaspoonful of sugar, 1 teaspoonful of Water to dissolve the sugar, Juice of 1/2 Lemon, 1/2 Liqueur Glass of Cherry Brandy, 1 Liqueur Glass of Brandy. Fill the glass with fine ice and stir slowly, then add a slice of lemon, and serve with a straw. In making fixes…

  • Shady Grove Cooler

    Use long tumbler, and fill with Ginger Beer.

  • Long Tom Cooler

    Shake well, strain into long tumbler, add 1 lump of ice, and fill with soda water.

  • Harvard Cooler

    Shake well, strain into long tumbler and fill with soda water.

  • Imperial Fizz

    Shake well, strain into medium size glass and fill with syphon soda water.

  • Port Wine Sangaree

    Fill tumbler 2/3 full of ice. Shake well and grate nutmeg on top.