• Soul Kiss Cocktail (No. 2)

    Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.

  • Old Fashioned Cocktail

    Crush sugar and bitters together, add lump of ice, decorate with a twist of lemon peel and slice of orange using medium size glass, and stir well. This Cocktail can be made with Brandy, Gin, Rum, etc., instead of Rye Whisky.

  • King Cole Cocktail

    Stir well and decorate with slices of orange and pineapple.

  • Homestead Cocktail

    Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. Although this delightful drink is nowadays known as a Cocktail, it was known in the old homesteads of the Southern States long before the name Cocktail was coined.

  • Chorus Lady Cocktail

    Shake well and strain into medium-size glass. Add slice of orange and a cherry.

  • Champagne Cocktail

    Put into a wine glass one lump of Sugar, and saturate it with Angostura Bitters. Having added to this 1 lump of Ice, fill the glass with Champagne, squeeze on top a piece of lemon peel, and serve with a slice of orange.