• Milk Punch (No. 2)

    Shake well and strain into long tumbler, grating a little nutmeg on top. Read Harry Braddock’s notes on Punch.

  • Port Wine Sangaree

    Fill tumbler 2/3 full of ice. Shake well and grate nutmeg on top.

  • Sherry Sangaree

    Use small bar glass. Fill tumbler 1/3 with ice, and grate nutmeg on top.

  • Gin Sling

    Served in long tumbler and fill with water or soda; if served hot a little nutmeg on top.

  • Breakfast Egg Nogg

    Shake well and strain into long tumbler. Grate nutmeg on top.

  • Baltimore Egg Nogg

    Shake well and strain into long tumbler. Grate nutmeg on top.

  • Egg Nogg

    Shake well and strain into long tumbler. Grate a little nutmeg on top.

  • Ale Flip

    Put on the fire in a saucepan one quart of Ale, and let it boil; have ready the whites of two eggs and the yolks of four, well beaten up separately; add them by degrees to four tablespoonsful of moist sugar, and half a nutmeg grated. When all are well mixed, pour on the boiling…

  • Rum Flip

    Shake well and strain into medium size glass. Grate a little nutmeg on top. In cold weather a dash of Jamaica Ginger can be added.

  • Apple Toddy

    Use stem glass and fill with Boiling Water. Grate nutmeg on top.