Windy Corner Cocktail
Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. A little nutmeg on top. →
Whisky Special Cocktail
(6 people) Pour into the shaker and shake, adding a little nutmeg. Serve with an olive. This is a very dry cocktail. →
Spanish Town Cocktail
(6 people) Pour into shaker, add a large quantity of ice, and shake thoroughly. Grate a little nutmeg over each glass and serve. →
Pauline Cocktail
(6 people) Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. →
Ichbien Cocktail
Shake well and strain into medium size glass, with nutmeg on top. →
Grace’s Delight Cocktail
(6 people) Fill a large glass with broken ice and place in it 2 glasses of Whisky, 2-1/2 glasses of French Vermouth and half a glass of Raspberry Brandy. Add the juice of half an Orange, a teaspoonful of Orange-flower water, 3 Juniper berries, a bit of Cinnamon and a little Nutmeg. Stir well with… →
Coffee Cocktail
Shake well, strain into a small wineglass, and grate a little nutmeg on top. The name of this drink is a misnomer, as coffee is not to be found among its ingredients, but it looks like coffee when it has been propery concocted. →
Bass Wyatt Cocktail
(5 people) Beat up 4 Eggs, and add Shake well and strain into medium-sized glass. Grate nutmeg on top. Frost glass with castor sugar. →