Swazi Freeze Cocktail
Stir well and strain into cocktail glass. →
Mr. Eric Sutton’s Gin Blind Cocktail*
*Invented by THE Mr. Sutton. Chelsea Papers please copy. This is a very troublesome form of refreshment. →
Sunshine Cocktail (No. 2)
Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. →
Sunshine Cocktail (No. 1)
Stir well and strain into medium size glass. Squeeze orange peel on top. →
Sunset Cocktail
(6 people) Place in a large glass the thinly-cut rind of an orange, or of a tangerine if an orange cannot be obtained. Add a teaspoonful of peach preserve, a large apricot and its crushed kernel. Pour upon the whole a full glass of Brandy and a small spoonful of Kirsch. Let this soak for… →
Summer Time Cocktail
Shake well and strain into medium size glass; fill up with soda water. →
Suisse Cocktail
Syrup or Sugar can be used instead of Anisette. Shake well and strain into medium size glass. →
Strike’s Off Cocktail
Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. Created by Harry Craddock on May 12, 1926, to mark the end of the General Strike. →
Strawberry Cocktail
(6 people) Pass 1 lb. of strawberries through a hair-sieve, and pour the juice into the shaker, together with the juice of an orange and a dash of Whisky. Add a few pieces of ice. Shake carefully and serve. →